Friday, April 17, 2009

IM commands for FriendFeed

@me text - post to your feed
@room text - post to room
@room - list entries in room
@N text - comment on entry N
@user - list entries in user's feed
like N - like entry N
pause - Pause notifications
resume - Resume notifications
list - List recent entries

These are some of the commands that we can use in GTalk / GChat to post to FriendFeed.

Here is the complete list

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity

With announcement against all mobiles carrying invalid or no IMEI numbers (an article by Techtree), there was a need to know if we were owning a cell phone with correct IMEI number or not. So, here is the site where one can verify if a particular IMEI is valid or not:

From this page, one can analyse Phone, IMSI, IMEI, SIM, ISPC

More on IMSI

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EMR - Electromagnetic Radiation

We all have heard about the hazards of radiations coming out of cell phones and other electronic devices and that we have to guard ourselves against them by reducing our exposure to them, or completely eliminating them from our life-styles.

Here is a website where they present products, specific to the items that we use in our daily life, which will remove / reduce radiation effects on our body.

Price of a Cell phone chip is about $19 on average and of a cell phone pouch ranges from $15 to 65$. Pick your choice!

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

HTML Signatures in Gmail

Now one can create HTML signatures in Gmail and insert them using a Greasemonkey script: User Script 

In Gmail, it creates a box (shown aside) where one can create a signature.

Firefox Add-on: Black Canvas Gmail Signatures

In their own words,
Automatically inserts HTML signatures into your Gmail messages based on which address you are sending from. Supports up to four signatures for each address you have set up. Works for Compose Message and Reply/Forward.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

SMS Notification for a mail in Gmail

Now one can get an sms notification for

  • any mail that appears into Gmail / Yahoo
  • a specific mail that appears into Gmail / Yahoo
How? Answer is

Way2SMS has come long way from its preliminary old. Their UI resembles the AJAX technology and has its similarities with Gmail UI. As in 160by2, one will get the 'A message from Recipient's Name' instead of 'A message from WAY2SMS.COM' which is common for all the free web sms websites.

It provides with 110 characters as against 90 of and

One can set a mail alerts for Gmail and Yahoo. The funda is: Whenever a mail appears in the inbox of, one can activate an alert, which will send an sms for every mail that appears in So, to get an alert for all mails that appear in Gmail or Yahoo, create a filter (to suit the needs) and say Forward to your mail id and Woah! You get an sms whenever a mail meeting those conditions appears in Gmail or Yahoo! Help of Way2SMS for Gmail Configuration and Yahoo Configuration.

Chat with both Yahoo and Gmail users simultaneously.

For other features, sign up for and check out.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

gaiald in Gmail

Today, as I was updated contacts in Gmail, there was some value appearing against a legend gaiald. I initially tried finding out from where it was picking, but could not make out. It was part of More Information -> Other -> Drop-down (Home, Work, Custom, gaiald)
Tried googling, nothing worth showed what it was.

Well, for a normal contact, this option does not appear at all. Only Home, Work, Custom appears. But it was appearing for mail ids to which mails were sent for the first time from mobile phone. As I was getting convinced that the mail ids which were sent for the first from mobile phone were getting that particular id added, I checked for one more person for whom a mail was sent through mobile phone. This contact was under Suggested Contacts and that value did not exist! Added this contact to My Contacts group. Yet it did not appear.

Though for most part of it, it seems to be due to automatic addition of mail id when a mail was sent through mobile phone, this one exception is still a mystery.

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