Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Centralized TNS names on network

With Oracle 8.0.6 and 8.1.7 versions running in support services, we had to change the TNS names in individual systems (about 30 of them), every time there was a change in host ip or any other parameter which are globally applicable

C:\Oracle\Ora806\Net80\Admin\TNS Names and
C:\Oracle\Ora817\Network\Admin\TNS Names

But one can have these TNS Names in a centralized location to avoid its change in every client system.

Create an environment variable with name: TNS_ADMIN, value for which would be the centralized location (eg. a mapped drive) containing TNS Names file. So, on the client system, it uses this variable to connect Oracle db. The local TNS Names become redundant!!!

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To get notified of new Gmail messages in your RSS news feed reader:

  • Launch your RSS feed reader like Google Reader.
  • Create a new channel.
  • Type "https://gmail.google.com/gmail/feed/atom" for the URL of the new feed.
  • Enter your Gmail user name ("sammy.sample") when prompted for a user name.
  • Use your Gmail password as the feed's password, too.
    • If that does not work, try using "https://[your Gmail user name]:­[your Gmail password]@gmail.google.com/­gmail/­feed/atom" (like "https://sammy.sample:passphrase@gmail.google.com/­gmail/­feed/­atom") for the URL.
To get notifications for new messages in a Gmail label in your RSS feed reader:
  • Append the label to the "https://gmail.google.com/­gmail/­feed/­atom/" URL (note '/' at the end).
    • For example, a label called "todo" can be tracked using the URL "https://gmail.google.com/­gmail/­feed/­atom/­todo".
  • Add the URL to your RSS feed reader as above. 

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