Wednesday, August 6, 2008


All of us have heard of Blog which is a sandhi for WeB+Log. Similarly, there has been generation of new terminologies (like Vhishing, an upgrade for Phishing logged as an update at this post).

Vlog is a Video Blog. On further dissemination, Video Blog is Video+WeB+Log all together. When a Video is embedded as a post on Blog, it becomes a Vlog

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Speed-up Menulist-population in Windows

Want a faster loading Menu (like All Programs), you need to just change one value in Registry, shown below and done!

If you're at all unsure of yourself in the registry editing arena, it may be a good idea to back up your registry. (Once you're in the Registry editor, just hit the File menu, Export to make a backup copy)
1. Hit the Start button, Run .
2. Type: regedit 
and hit Enter (or click OK if you prefer)
3. Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop 
Once you open the Desktop folder, scroll down to the " MenuShowDelay " item on the right.
(If you don't see a " MenuShowDelay " item, you can make one. Just right-click a blank area in the right hand pane. Select New, String from the resulting menu)
Next, type in: MenuShowDelay
Exactly as shown. Once that's done, you can proceed to the next step:
4. Double-click the " MenuShowDelay " item and change the value to a lower number (default is 400 or 500 depending on the system). I like 100 myself (enter 0 for instant menus). Oh, those numbers are in milliseconds, in case you were worried about it. Be sure to enter something here if you had to create the value using the special note above! 
5. Hit OK , exit the registry editor, and restart your computer .
Now check the performance :)

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