Excerpted from “Adobe Acrobat 7 in the Office.”
Do you have an Adobe® PDF file that you’d like to use as a presentation piece, but you think it needs a little something extra to perk it up? It’s easy to transition your PDF file into a riveting slideshow. Just add page transitions in Adobe Acrobat® 7.0, and then set the PDF file to run as a slideshow.
Get started
You can add transitions in Acrobat and configure them according to how your document is designed. For example, you can specify that the pages turn auto-matically or in response to a mouse click. In our example, the pages will turn in response to a mouse click.Add transitions
Adding transitions gives you the option of showing the presentation using the Full Screen view, as well as a more interesting way to change pages.Follow these steps to add the transitions:
- Choose Document > Set Page Transitions to open the Page Transition dialog.
- Click the Effect pull-down arrow in the Page Transition area and choose an option from the list. For this project, we’ve chosen the Wipe Down effect (Figure 1). If you prefer, you can choose from numerous other effects, including box in/box out options, other wipes, fades, blinds, cover/uncover effects, and so on.
Figure 1: Select the transition you’ll use in the presentation from the pull-down list. - Select the page range to apply the effects to. The default applies the transition to all pages (Figure 2).
- Click OK to close the dialog and add the transitions to the page.
You can’t see the transitions in the program window. Use the Full Screen view to test the project’s effects.
Figure 2: Specify the speed of the transition and whether you want the pages to turn automatically in the dialog.
View the slideshow
Now that you’ve added transitions to your slideshow, you should test the results. Acrobat 7.0 includes an option that lets you show just the content of a document against a solid background. Removing the program’s interface allows you (and your viewers) to concentrate on the content rather than being distracted by the sur-rounding toolbars, menus, and other program items.Follow these steps to view and run the slideshow:
- Display the first page of the document in the Document pane.
- Click the Full Screen view icon on the Status bar at the bottom left of the program window. The program interface is now removed from the screen, and the page is shown against a black background.
- Click the left mouse button to advance through the slides/pages.
- Press the Esc key to return to the regular program interface.
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