Thursday, August 14, 2008


Very few are people who did not hear about Mashups, another Web 2.0 terminology.

Mashups is a web application which combines data from multiple sources into a single tool [SOURCE]
There are different types of Mashups: Consumer mashups, Data mashups, and Business mashups. [DETAILS HERE]
Ex. Google Maps

Difference between Mashup and Portal: There are quite a few, all listed diligently on Wiki here.
Never knew that individual content on Portal is called Portlets!

Google has got a editor which will help quick creation of web applications and Mashups. It is called Google Mashup Editor. Currently, it is given out only to developers. So all do not have ready signup as yet. One needs to request for a spot, which is given when next available, by signing up here.

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Art of Travelling Light

Shockingly there is a site which details the art and science of travelling light with just one bag, no matter where and for how many days. Have a look

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Portable Apps

All Portable Apps at this site:
List of Apps:

The list goes something like this :)






Graphics & Pictures


Music & Video


Operating Systems


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